
Sublime text tabs to spaces
Sublime text tabs to spaces

sublime text tabs to spaces
  1. #Sublime text tabs to spaces how to#
  2. #Sublime text tabs to spaces code#
  3. #Sublime text tabs to spaces windows#

Open the User Settings On Mac: SublimeText > Preferences > Settings On Linux/Windows: Preferences > Settings Two files should appear so make sure that you are editing the one that ends with - User(it should be on the right).The file should contain a set of curly braces (there won’t be anything between them if this is your first time changing.

#Sublime text tabs to spaces how to#

Open it with ST and try indenting up to the line made with vim. How to Unminify/Beautify HTML, CSS & JavaScript in Sublime Text May 20, 2021. Sublime Text Setup Guide Sublime Text Settings. I make file in ST, open it with vim using tabs. Open it with ST and try indenting up to the line made with vim. (lines 1,2)Īdd a new line that indents up to previous indents. I make file in ST, open it with vim using spaces. Everything works fine in vim, though there's problems after reopening with ST. I did a few tests on editing with vim then reopening then files with ST. I'll post specifics if I find a wacky editor. To avoid this, you can configure Sublime Text to always use spaces for indentation, even when you press the TAB key. If I open a file with another editor it should look okay, however if I start editing it I suspect things might get wacky since most editors expect you to use either tabs or spaces. Indentation settings determine the size of the tab stops, and control whether the tab key should insert tabs or spaces.

sublime text tabs to spaces

The only way I can think to get around that is by inspecting the lines above and below to see if they line up then inferring indentation from that. It is thus less safe than Magne's method, but it is faster (for me at least).I see what you mean about losing information. Note: this method is prone to "errors" if you have more than one space within your code.

sublime text tabs to spaces

#Sublime text tabs to spaces windows#

On windows or other platforms change cmd+f and alt+enter with whatever your find and select all hotkeys are. On mac: "cmd+f" => " "(two spaces) => "alt+enter" => "arrow right" => " "(two more spaces) => set tab width to 4(this can be done before or after. I found, in my mind, a simpler solution than Magne:

sublime text tabs to spaces

View > Indentation > convert indentation to tabs. This can be used as notepad++ / Sublime / VSCode alternative. Assuming you have the following settings in Sublime: 'tabsize': 2, 'translatetabstospaces': true, If you get a file indented with 4 fucking spaces: Select all. Just paste your text in the form below, press Convert Spaces button, and you get spaces replaced with tabs. Its also a JSON Beautifier that supports indentation levels: 2 spaces, 3 spaces and 4. "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true, Worlds simplest spaces to tabs converter for web developers and programmers. (Regardless of what the style 'should' be, requesting that an entire. Indent is one hard tab, make it whatever size you want. Indent is one hard tab, hard tab is 4 spaces (common on Windows) D. Indent is 2 or 4 columns (mixed tabs and spaces), hard tabs are 8 spaces (common on Unix) C.

#Sublime text tabs to spaces code#

If you want to get fancy, you can also define a keyboard shortcut to automatically re-indent your code (YMMV) by pasting the following in Sublime -> Preferences -> Key Binding - User: [Īnd to visualize the whitespace: "indent_guide_options": , Indent is 2 or 4 columns, no hard tabs allowed. Make sure this opens a new editor tab called Python.sublime-settings. The detect_indentation: false is especially important, as it forces Sublime to honor these settings in every file, as opposed to the View -> Indentation settings. Open a Python file in Sublime Text (or create a new file, open the Command Palette and execute the Set Syntax: Python command) Click on Sublime Text Preferences Settings More Syntax Specific User to open your Python-specific user settings. I actually found it's better for my sanity to have user preferences to be defined like so: "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true, Boolean, if true (the default), tabsize and translatetabstospaces will be calculated automatically when loading a file. Bottom right hand corner on the status bar, click Spaces: N (or Tab Width: N, where N is an integer), ensure it says Tab Width: 4 for converting from four spaces, and then select Convert Indentation to Tabs from the contextual menu that will appear from. Boolean, if true, spaces will be inserted up to the next tab stop when tab is pressed, rather than inserting a tab character. Convert your 2-space indentation to tabs, switch to tab width 4, and then convert the indentation back to spaces. I want to replace all the four spaces that is written by another text editor with tabs. Here's a neat trick in Sublime Text 2 or 3 to convert your indentation spacing in a document.Įnsure tab width is set to 2.

Sublime text tabs to spaces